Thread: Coaching...?
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Old 04-23-2011, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: Coaching...?

Originally Posted by mdrums View Post
+1 from the systems I've seen. However if you were to buy a new system today which one would you pick?
As you know, there are many of them out there ranging in price and functionality. For DE purposes, exclusion of race car development and track setup, all of them will do pretty much the same thing. So, selecting one is a matter of the software, how easy it is to use, interpret and flexible it is. This perception differs from person to person. At the end, most DE drivers or even club racers, don't want to "waste" time looking at squiggly lines to figure out how to improve lap times, and I think it is totally understandable.

So, although I cannot say much at this time, we are working on something to ease this burden; it will take a little bit more time, but I believe we can find a solution for our members

Originally Posted by mooty View Post
if you are asking me, i wont buy one unless i have a tech and computer genius with me to interpret the data. i have had traqmate, motec and aim xl pista

1. software is hard to understand
2. down loads need a wire???? we are in bluetooth, wire less world.
3. only run on pc.... pc's are ugly. if you want a real computer, mac is it. it looks good.
4. assuming you get the thing to work, you need someone to interpret it. know mdrum is 5mph faster than me at T5 is uselss info to me. i am only interested in know how to pick up that 5mph. i only care about the result. how to get there is NOT my conern, that's my coach and computer analyst's job

sorry, can't help you select a system. but if someone has something that's fail proof and mooty proof, pls let me know.

i am all for coaching. espeicaly one who can interpret data and use that to get me faster.
not sure i am making sense here.
but the bottom line is i dont care how a coach or data system get me faster, just get me faster.
I totally understand your perspective. Although Traqmate's software is the easiest to use IMHO, it is still difficult to see areas of attention and making sense of the data without training. As I mention above, John I am working on something that even you will like I believe.
Fatih Selekler
997.2 GT3

Last edited by mooty; 04-25-2011 at 10:05 PM.
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